How this works
Think of a stream in the woods, cluttered with stones, tree branches, and leaves.
It’s NOBODY’S FAULT these things impede the flow: it’s the natural accumulation of the stuff of life.
But you need practices that help clear out the gunk so that your flow can flow.
As you discover, name, and release the things that block your knowing (and your flowing), you will naturally reconnect with WHO you are and HOW you want to live.
The answers you seek are within.
Your openness and willingness to bring yourself into the light and surrender to the process of Coming Home To Yourself will catalyze the freedom you seek.
I will hold and guide you every step of the way.
I’m right here with you, figuring out what it means to be human.
Alignment is the result.
When we are divided—- the body from the soul, the soul from the heart, the heart from the mind, we become disintegrated, and out of touch with our flow.
When you Come Home To Yourself, you:
become more fully who you are
live more fully a life you love to live
experience more connection to yourself, to Source, and your community
access more capacity, resiliency, and compassion
move through challenges with more consciousness, spaciousness, and ease