How this works
Think of a stream in the woods, cluttered with stones, tree branches, and leaves.
It’s NOBODY’S FAULT these things impede the flow: it’s the natural accumulation of the stuff of life.
When you gently remove the obstacles, the flow flows.
I am here to assist you in discovering, naming, and releasing the things that keep you from connection and access to WHO you are and HOW you want to live.— in other words, YOUR FLOW.
I help you remember and reconnect to who you are and how you want to live by removing the blocks that stand in the way of your knowing.
Your job is to work with what comes through as you allow it to work upon you.
The meaning of our lives is not handed to us on a silver platter; we co-create it through our imagination and through our actions.
Our sessions help you clarify WHO you are and HOW you want to live.
The things that come up in this work?
Nothing comes through that you don’t give permission to come through.
What is revealed is only revealed through your openness and willingness to bring each thing into the light and learn from it (which means you have what it takes to receive the messages).
The answers are within you.
My work is simply to come alongside you and help you come home to yourself.
More than any training I’ve done, my qualification is my life experience and my ongoing vulnerable work of sitting in multiple forms of therapy so that I might continue to become a clear channel and serve you well.
Separation begins in the soil of our spirits.
When we are divided—- the body from the soul, the soul from the heart, the heart from the mind, we become disintegrated.
The work of becoming more human, more integrated, more fully YOU, is the work of alignment and integration.
Coming home to yourself is equity work because it is the antidote to dehumanization and a practice of decolonization.
When you come home to yourself, you:
—-become more fully WHO YOU ARE.
—-live more fully the life you LONG TO LIVE.
—-feel more integrated and more CONNECTED
—have access to more capacity, resiliency, and COMPASSION
—move through each challenge with more consciousness, spaciousness, EASE