Tell the shitty truth
There will be shitty days ahead, friends.
This is just the way of it.
Don’t make it shittier by beating yourself up that you feel shitty.
Tell the truth.

Trauma Brain
Trauma brain is like the on ramp on the highway with the stoplight that lets only one or two cars through before it turns red again.
I can hear the blink blink of the red light, protecting me from information and emotional overload. The traffic of my thoughts has to slow down otherwise I will crash. If I think and feel ALL OF IT all at once, I will explode.

We're not all well on the same day
I do all the things that make me feel alive. I practice radical self-care. That's how I stay present.
I never stop going to church. I never stop hiking. I never stop trusting that I'm loved and I'm chosen and I'm safe, and that more will be revealed.

Holding Space
How can the world become in an instant just entirely too much to handle?
And if it can for them, then it sure as hell can for you.
And there it is.
The awful truth of all of our lives reveals itself: the world truly is entirely too much to handle.